ancient civilization internet resources
Ancient Egypt Pictures Illustrations
Over 300 Ancient Egypt related pictures and illustrations. Includes, clothing, toys and games, food, daily life, musical instruments, hieroglyphs and more... Ancient Egypt Clipart
You will find a variety of clipart related to the study of Ancient Egypt. Ancient Civilizations Clipart
A great selection of ancient civilization clipart and maps. The Magic Book Lesson
Learn how to build a pyramid, embalm a mummy and scribe in ancient hieroglyphic writing with this interactive egyptian site. Theban Mapping Project
Browse the text, images, and maps of this comprehensive database on the Valley of the Kings. Since it first made world headlines in 1995, tomb KV 5, in the Valley of the Kings, has been described as the largest tomb ever found in Egypt, and the greatest archaeological discovery of the century CMCC - Mysteries of Egypt - Introduction
Ancient Egypt -- a land of mysteries. No other civilization has so captured the imagination of scholars and laypeople alike. Mystery surrounds its origins, its religion and its monumental architecture: colossal temples, pyramids and the enormous Sphinx... The Ancient Egypt Site: History
The History of Ancient Egypt, from its dawn around 3000 BC to its demise in the 4th century AD. Ancient Civilization, National Geographic
Read articals from National Geographic and learn about lost tribes, the Dikika baby, the sahara dessert and how they all give little answers from Africa's ancient civilization. Egyptian, Nubian, and Near Eastern Art
The collection of Ancient Egyptian and Nubian antiquities at the Michael C. Carlos Museum The Egyptian Timeline
Ancient Egypt -The Egyptian Timeline Egypt Antiquities Information presented by Tour Egypt: Official Site of the Mini
Egypt Antiquities Information from Tour Egypt, official site of the Ministry of Tourism for the country of Egypt, has information on kings gods, hundreds of monuments and much more. Trades in Ancient Egypt
Craftsmen in ancient Egypt were usually trained and skilled labourers Ancient Egypt Coloring Pages
Printable coloring pages with an ancient egypt theme. The Nile River
This page discusses the importance of the Nile River in Ancient Egypt. The Akkadians, Egyptians and the Hebrews
The foundation of the Akkadian state was economic. Ancient Egyptian Gods on CTCWeb
Brief description of 26 ancient Egyptian gods with images.