ancient civilization internet resources
Ancient Civilizations Clipart
A great selection of ancient civilization clipart and maps. Maecenas: Images of Ancient Greece and Rome
1100 photographs of monuments, ruins, buildings, and cities. The Ancient Olympics
In this exhibit, you can compare ancient and modern Olympic sports, tour the site of Olympia as it looks today, learn about the context of the Games and the Olympic spirit, or read about the Olympic athletes who were famous in ancient times J. Moyr Smith's Ancient Greek Female Costume
The plates from Ancient Greek Female Costume. Electronic Passport to Ancient Greece
About 2,500 years ago, the people of Greece introduced many valuable ideas and developed a civilization that influences the way we live today. Discover the ancient Greeks. ----- MINOAN CIVILIZATION, BRONZE AGE CULTURE IN CRETE, GREECE -----
Information about the Minoan Civilization, the
Bronze Age in Crete Ancient Greece - The Arts
This site provides information about Greek sculpture, painting, pottery, music,poetry, theatre, and literature. Greek Civilization - Sports
An in depth look at the ancient Olympic Games. The Trojan War Myth in Ancient Art
Images of the Trojan War Myth. Medicine in Ancient Greece
Medicine was very important to the Ancient Greek. Ancient Greek Culture was such that a high priority was placed upon healthy lifestyles, this despite Ancient Greece being much different to the Greece of the modern World Ancient Greece
Information about Ancient Greece Ancient Greek artifacts and Jewlery
A panorama of the course of Greek jewelry from the dawn of Hellenic civilization to the present day. It investigates the roots and discusses the achievements of the art of jewelry as an integral part of Greek society and culture. Jewelry accompanies man at the major stages in his life cycle, such as birth and marriage, as well as at important moments of expressing love. Internet Ancient History Sourcebook: Greece
Source book with links and information about ancient Greece Archaic and Classical Greek History
The Historical Overview provides a brief summary of the history of ancient Greece approximately 1200 B.C., the period when Mycenaean civilization perished, to 323 B.C., the death of Alexander the Great.