The Physical Characteristics of Humans Learn about the evolution of the human body,the characteristics of the human species such as erect posture and bi-pedalism.
Overview of Human Origins Overview of Human Evolution and human orgins. Includes information on the Hominid Species Timeline and Human Physical Characteristics over time.
Sigmund Freud:Conflict and Culture Features information about the life, and the theories of Sigmund Freud, from the Library of Congress.
Erect Posture and Bi-Pedalism Information about one of the most distinctive human characteristics is our ability to walk erect, bi pedalism.
Millersville University-Columbus and the Age of Discovery Text retrieval system of over 1000 articles, speeches. conference papers, opinions, etc., relating to various 'Encounter' and 'Discovery' themes.
Prehistoric Grampian Aberdeenshire has the greatest concentration of stone circles anywhere, with over 90 of them being of the type known as Recumbent Stone Circles, a type that is almost unique to Britain and Ireland.
Columbine Remembered In memory of the precious students and teacher who died or were injured at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado on April 20, 1999
National History Day The year-long National History Day program is an historical issues, ideas, people and events.