William the Conqueror
Born around 1028, William was the illegitimate son of Duke Robert I of Normandy, and Herleve (also known as Arlette), daughter of a tanner in Falaise..
royal.gov.uk/output/Page18.asp William I of England
William was born the grandnephew of Queen Emma, wife of King Ethelred the Unready and later of King Canute..
academickids.com/encyclopedia/index.php/Wil... A short history of soap
There is no clear evidence that the use of soap for personal hygiene pre-dates the Christian era. Two mentions appear in the Old Testament
pjonline.com/Editorial/19991218/article... The History of Toys
D iscover the origins of your favorite toys and games, from chess and checkers to Barbie and Atari...
historychannel.com/exhibits/toys/ History of Soal
The origins of personal cleanliness date back to prehistoric times. Since water is essential for life..
cleaning101.com/cleaning/history/ 100 Hundred Years of Radio
100 years of radio information..
cisi.unito.it/marconi/eindex.html Colonial Soap Making. Its History and Techniques
This booklet will provide persons interested in the ways of early American life some information about soap and soap making..
alcasoft.com/soapfact/history.html A Brief History of Toys
Greek & Roman children played with balls, clay rattles, clay dolls, hand carts, hobby horses, hoops and spinning tops..
hants.gov.uk/museum/toys/history/index.... William the Conqueror
William, the illegitimate son of Robert, Duke of Normandy and Herleva of Falaise, was born in 1027.
spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/MEDwilliam1.h... Statue of Liberty Facts, News and Information
Ellis Island Wall of Honor, information and history of the Statue of Liberty.
endex.com/gf/buildings/liberty/liberty.... United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum is America's national institution for thedocumentation, study, and interpretation of Holocaust history, and serves as this country's memorial to the millions of people murdered during the Holocaust.
ushmm.org/ Immigrants: Pier 21
Between 1928 and 1971, more than a million immigrants passed through Pier 21, their entry to Canada.
pier21.ns.ca/immigrat.html The Cold War
A CNN special report on the Cold War
cnn.com/specials/cold.war/ Internet Jewish History Sourcebook
A sourcebook for Jewish history with links to many other internet resources.
fordham.edu/halsall/jewish/jewishsbook.... History Buff's Reference Library
Paper collectables from a wide variety of topics.
historybuff.com/library/index.html Internet Modern History Sourcebook: The Enlightenment
The Enlightenment web resources.