Abraham Lincoln Online
Great resource for information on Abraham Lincoln.
showcase.netins.net/web/creative/lincoln.ht... The U.S.-Mexican War, 1846-1848: A Concise History
The U.S.-Mexican War, 1846-1848: A Concise History
dmwv.org/mexwar/concise.htm BBC Online - History - World War Two
The interactive History Site of BBC Online. In September 1939 Germany invaded Poland, prompting the beginning of the Second World War.
bbc.co.uk/history/wwtwo.shtml Battlefield:Vietnam
pbs.org/battlefieldvietnam/ Maps of the Civil War
List of civil war maps.
dean.usma.edu/history/dhistorymaps/Aciv... CNN Specials - Korea at 50
The border between North and South Korea remains highly armed and tense 50 years after the start of the bitter war that divided the peninsula..
cnn.com/SPECIALS/2000/korea/ Treaty of Versailles
Treaty of Versailles
academickids.com/encyclopedia/index.php... Investigating the Vietnam War
The Vietnam War
spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/vietnam.html The Crittenden Compromise
The Crittenden Compromise was one of several last-ditch efforts to resolve the secession crisis of 1860-61 by political negotiation
users.aol.com/jfepperson/cc.html The American Experience D-Day
D-Day is told through the voices of people who participated in the planning and execution of the invasion, and in the battle for the Normandy beaches.
pbs.org/wgbh/amex/dday/index.html Holocaust Survivors
Holocaust Survivors, an excellent educational resource about the Nazi Holocaust of Jews in World War II, includes interviews, photographs and audio recordings of survivors. Other features include interactive discussions, a Holocaust encyclopedia and a bibliography. The site is both emotionally moving and factually informative.
holocaustsurvivors.org/ Kooskia Internment Camp Project
The Kooskia (pronounced KOOS-key) Internment Camp is an obscure and virtually-forgotten World War II detention facility that was located in a remote area of north-central Idaho.
uidaho.edu/LS/AACC/kooskia.htm Heart Mountain Relocation Center
The Heart Mountain Digital Preservation Project features documents and photographs from the Heart Mountain Relocation Center Collection.
chem.nwc.cc.wy.us/HMDP/ Middelaldercentret
The Medieval Centre in Denmark is an experimental institution presenting a late 14th Century environment to the public. Its exhibits include siege engines (in action), medieval ships and a functioning shipyard.
members.iinet.net.au/~rmine/middel.html Russian Revolution in Dates
Timeline of the Russian Revolution.
barnsdle.demon.co.uk/russ/datesr.html Nazi Rule
Adolf Hitler was appointed chancellor of Germany on January 30, 1933, bringing an end to German democracy