Harold E. Edgerton
Pioneering research in stroboscopic photography by Harold E. Edgerton was the foundation for the development of the modern electronic speed flash.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harold_Eugene_Edgert... Invention of Etch A Sketch
Fascinating facts about the invention of Etch A Sketch by Arthur Granjean in 1960.
ideafinder.com/history/inventions/etchs... William Seward Burroughs
William Seward Burroughs invented the first practical adding and listing machine.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_S._Burroughs... Orville Wright
Orville and Wilbur Wright, American inventors and aviation pioneers, achieved the first powered, sustained, and controlled flight of an airplane.
invent.org/hall_of_fame/1_1_6_detail.as... Inventor Ed Lowe
Fascinating facts about Ed Lowe inventor of Kitty Litter in 1947.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ed_Lowe_(businessman... Invention of the Computer
Fascinating facts about the invention of the Computer by Blaise Pascal, Charles Babbage, Augusta Ada Byron, Herman Hollerith, Alan Turing, Howard Aiken, John Mauchley and J. Presper Eckert in 1945.
ideafinder.com/history/inventions/comen... Inventor Douglas Engelbart - Computer Mouse
Fascinating facts about Douglas Engelbart inventor of the computer mouse in 1968.
ideafinder.com/history/inventors/engelb... Robert N. Noyce
Robert N. Noyce, cofounder of Intel Corporation, was one of the pioneers of semiconductor development.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Noyce The Galileo Project, Homepage
The Galileo Project is a hypertext source of information on the life and work of Galileo Galilei 1564-1642 and the science of is time.
es.rice.edu/ES/humsoc/Galileo/ Transistorized
The History of the Invention of the Transistor
pbs.org/transistor/ The Telegraph Office -- for Telegraph Key Collectors and Historians
The Telegraph Office: Information on telegraph keys, bugs, sounders, relays, Vibroplex, McElroy, spark keys, morse code, camelback keys, morse registers, American Morse Code, etc.
fohnix.metronet.com/~nmcewen/tel_off.html Inventors & Inventions for K-12 Education
A K-12 Education site that indexes internet resources on inventors and inventions.