Henry Ford
Henry Ford was the founder of the Ford Motor Company and is credited with contributing to the creation of a middle class in American society..
academickids.com/encyclopedia/index.php... Henry Ford - Times Magazine
He produced an affordable car, paid high wages and helped create a middle class.
time.com/time/time100/builder/profile/f... Henry Ford
Born in Dearborn, Michigan, he enjoyed tinkering with machinery from a young age...
us.history.wisc.edu/hist102/bios/24.html Henry Ford
Pioneering automotive engineer Henry Ford held many patents on automotive mechanisms..
invent.org/hall_of_fame/60.html Inventor Henry Ford
Fascinating facts about Henry Ford inventor of automobile mass production in 1913.
ideafinder.com/history/inventors/ford.h... Henry Ford
In 1899 Ford left Edison to help run the Detroit Automobile Company..