Composite Volcano
A stratovolcano, also known as a composite volcano,[ COMPOSITE VOLCANOES & STRATO-VOLCANOES
Video Clips Composite volcanoes (also called stratovolcanoes) are much more explosive than shield volcanoes, the other important type of volcano.
Stratovolcanoes Pictures
Pictures of different Stratovolcanoes Composite Volcano
Diagram of composite volcano What is a volcano?
Questions and Answers about Volcanoes Composite Volcano Facts for Kids
Composite volcanoes are formed by viscous lava, which is relatively thick. Viscous is the opposite of runny. After this lava flows for a while, the eruption changes and starts ejecting ash and cinder that falls near the summit of the mountain, which is why these volcanoes have such steep sides. The eruption then changes back to lava, which cements the ash and cinder. COMPOSITE
Composite volcanoes are constructed from multiple eruptions, sometimes recurring over hundreds of thousands of years, sometimes over a few hundred.