Continental shelf
The continental shelf is an underwater landmass which extends from a continent, resulting in an area of relatively shallow water known as a shelf sea. Easy Marine Biome Wordsearch
Easy Marine Aquatic Biome Printable Wordsearch for kids Marine Biome Printable Wordsearch
Marine Aquatic Biome Printable Wordsearch for kids Marine Biome - Marine Biology
The marine biome is the largest biome on the earth, with a wide diversity of plants and animals. Read more about the marine biology of this unique and vast habitat The marine biome
Marine regions cover about three-fourths of the Earth's surface and include oceans, coral reefs, and estuaries. Marine algae supply much of the world's oxygen supply and take in a huge amount of atmospheric carbon dioxide MARINE BIOMES
The marine regions are divided between coral reefs, estuaries, and oceans. Oceans represent the largest and most diverse of the ecosystems