the whale
Whales are known as the largest animal on the planet. They are about 100 feet long and weigh around 200 tons. They are carnivorous animal and their life span goes to 90 years. They like to eat fish, larvae, crabs, seals, walrus, and many more things.
When they are together they form a pod. whale live in all oceans of the world. They have good hearing ability along with their loudness. During summers they move to polar places and they migrate to equator regions when it is winter.
Whale Internet resources
Explore whales, learn about their anatomy and behavior, study fossils and evolution, print out classroom activities, read a whale glossary, find whale links, and more. Enchanted Learning Software creates children's educational software games designed to stimulate creativity, learning, enjoyment, and imagination. Our new game, Busy Little Brains, is for children 2-6 years old. Cetaceans Whales and Dolphins
Pakicetus inachus - The former First Whale