Easter is the most important holiday of the Christian year, observed in March, April, or May each year to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus..
academickids.com/encyclopedia/index.php... Easter Graphics by Pat
Backgrounds and graphics for webpages.
patswebgraphics.com/easter/easter.html Easter Symbols and Traditions
The decoration of eggs is believed to date back to at least the 13th century, while the rite of the Easter parade has even older roots. Other traditions, such as the consumption of Easter candy, are among the modern additions to the celebration of this early springtime holiday.
Easter Worksheets
Free, printable Easter worksheets for kids. Whether it’s math or spelling, learning is a lot more fun when there are bunnies and decorated eggs involved!
jumpstart.com/parents/holidays/easter/e... The Easter Story
The Teacher's Guides, Bible stories and crafts include Palm Sunday, the Last Supper, Jesus Prays, Jesus Dies, Jesus is Alive, and Jesus Loves You!
dltk-bible.com/guides/easter-index.htm Easter Activities
Discover dozens of kids’ Easter activities and ideas for a fun family Easter. Make it great holiday with egg-cellent crafts, games, recipes, and egg decorating.
https://family.disney.com/easter/ Fun Easter Facts for Kids
Fun Easter Facts for Kids
kidsplayandcreate.com/why-do-we-celebra... Easter
Easter is a spring festival that celebrates the central event of the Christian faith
religionfacts.com/christianity/holidays... Easter Story for Kids
Easter Story for Kids
Easter Activities
Everything you need for a great Easter celebration with your kids: Easter crafts, decorations, worksheets, coloring pages, baskets, egg decorating ideas, games, poems and more!
dltk-holidays.com/easter/index.html Printable Easter Cards For Kids
Printable Easter Cards For Kids
americangreetings.com/printable-cards/e... Easter
On this, the holiest day of the entire year, and for the entire Octave of Easter
fisheaters.com/customseastertide2.html Easter Songs For Children lyrics
Easter Songs For Children lyrics
Easter Clipart
Free Easter Clipart
classroomclipart.com/cgi-bin/kids/imageFoli... Easter History and Facts
Easter is a Christian Festival that celebrates the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. On the third day after Good Friday, the day of his crucifixion, now called Easter Sunday
sunniebunniezz.com/holiday/easter.htm All About Easter for Kids
Easter is the celebration of Jesus Christ's rising from the dead (His Resurrection) after His crucifixion which took place on what we now term Good Friday.