A helicopter is an aircraft which is lifted and propelled by one or more large horizontal rotors..
academickids.com/encyclopedia/index.php... Helicopter History Site
The helicopter history site traces the evolution of rotary wing aircraft back to Leonardo Da Vinci
helis.com/default/ Helicopter Photographs
This site is dedicated to helicopter photographs,
helispot.com/ U.S. Army Attack Helicopters
A crew chiefs view of Vietnam era attack helicopter gunships, from the early model Bell Hueys to the Cobras.
incolor.inetnebr.com/iceman/ Alec Buck's EMS Helicopters....
Alec Buck's EMS Helicopters. Largest helicopter photo collection on the internet.
alecbuck.com/ Helicopter Clipart
A resource for helicopter clipart
classroomclipart.com/clipart/Clipart/Transp... History of the Helicopter
An article on the history of the helicopter, includes photos of helicopters.