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Encyclopedia Britannica Intermediate - Megalosaurus
Around 1815 the fossil bones of some large animals were discovered in Stonesfield quarries near Oxford. The bones were acquired by William Buckland, one of which was a large jawbone with teeth in place. Megalosaurus Megalosaurus was a large meat-eating dinosaur of the Jurassic period Image -- The Dinosauricon Megalosaurus- Enchanted Learning Software
Megalosaurus was an efficent predator, a Carnosaur with long, serrated teeth and slashing claws on its small arms. Zoom Dinosaurs is by Enchanted Learning Software. Megalosaurus Dinosaur Tooth
This is a tooth from the dinosaur Megalosaurus bucklandi from the Middle Cretaceous Bathonian Stage deposits of the Taynton Stone, Oxfordshire, United Kigdom Megalosaurus Jaw & Teeth
Megalosaurus Jaw & Teeth Megalosaurus
The dinosaurs were a family of reptiles which lived on the earth millions of years ago. About 400 types of dinosaur have been identified. Dinosaurs ranged in size from about as big as a pigeon to twice the height of a giraffe Megalosaurus
Megalosaurus means 'Great Lizard' and this dinosaur was a large meat-eating theorpod that roamed South England, France and Portugal, during the middle Jurassic period, nearly 170 million years ago The Natural History Museum's Dino Directory - Megalosaurus
Short description of the Megalosaurus.