Home > Science > Animals > Arachnids > Ticks and Mites
the Mite and Tick
Mites and Ticks are invertebrates that are closely related to spiders. Mites can grow up to 3 mm while ticks to 29 mm in length but in appearance they are similar. Mites live on land and water while ticks live on land mainly in woods and pastures. Ticks are known to suck bloods which can cause diseases. Most of the mites and ticks lay eggs but there are a few species which give birth to new born. Mites generally appear after the summer rains in good numbers.
Mite and Ticks Activities and printables
- Mite and Ticks Slider Puzzle
- Mite and Ticks Coloring
- Mite and Ticks Jigsaw
- Ticks Coloring
- Ticks Anatomy
- Ticks Anatomy Outline
- Mite Fact Sheet
- Mite and Ticks Fact Sheet 2
- Mite and Ticks Wordsearch Printable
- Mite and Ticks Online Wordsearch
Tick Videos for Kids
Tick pictures
Mite and Ticks internet resources
Tick Facts
Ticks can live as long as 200 days without food or water.
Bee Mites
Mites are a very important part of the animal kingdom. Their diminutive size belies the various roles: good, bad and neutral they play in nature.
Acari - The Mites
Read about the most diverse and abundant of all arachnids, mites.
Tick Biology
Ticks are blood feeding external parasites of mammals, birds, and reptiles throughout the world. Images, life cycle of a tick and more..