Home > Science > Animals > Arachnids > Ticks and Mites
the Mite and Tick
Mites and Ticks are invertebrates that are closely related to spiders. Mites can grow up to 3 mm while ticks to 29 mm in length but in appearance they are similar. Mites live on land and water while ticks live on land mainly in woods and pastures. Ticks are known to suck bloods which can cause diseases. Most of the mites and ticks lay eggs but there are a few species which give birth to new born. Mites generally appear after the summer rains in good numbers.
Mite and Ticks Activities and printables
- Mite and Ticks Slider Puzzle
- Mite and Ticks Coloring
- Mite and Ticks Jigsaw
- Ticks Coloring
- Ticks Anatomy
- Ticks Anatomy Outline
- Mite Fact Sheet
- Mite and Ticks Fact Sheet 2
- Mite and Ticks Wordsearch Printable
- Mite and Ticks Online Wordsearch
Tick Videos for Kids
Tick pictures
Mite and Ticks internet resources
Mite Image Gallery
Excellent pictures of mites.
Ticks Encounter
Find the tools you need for tick-bite protection and disease prevention
Chiggers are actually mites, cousins of spiders and ticks. They have a life cycle very much like insects, even though they are not insects.
Tick Facts and Pictures
Tick Facts, information and Pictures
Links, information and more about ticks, mites and spiders from Ohio State University...
Managing Dust Mites
Our current mite research focuses on novel methods for controlling house mites...
Mites Annoying Humans
Certain mites migrate from birds, rodents, food materials, vegetable matter and house dust, either attacking or annoying humans. Some mites can be...
Blacklegged Ticks
The scientific name of the blacklegged tick is Ixodes scapularis. Many people still know the blacklegged tick by another common name, the deer tick
CDC Lyme Disease Home Page
Lyme disease is an infection caused by the corkscrew-shaped bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi that are transmitted by the bite of deer ticks..
Common Ticks
Although ticks are commonly thought of as insects, they are actually arachnids like scorpions, spiders and
Lyme Disease Information
In the United States, two closely related tick species - lxodes scapularis and lxodes pacificus - have been identified as harboring and transmitting the Lyme Disease..
Fact Sheets - Ticks
Of the 12 species of ticks known to occur in Ohio, the most frequently encountered is the American dog tick, Dermacentor variabilis ..
Black-Legged Tick
The black-legged tick, Ixodes scapularis, formerly known as the Deer Tick, Ixodes dammini, is the main vector of Lyme disease...
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
Rocky Mountain spotted fever is the most severe and most frequently reported rickettsial illness in the United States. The disease is caused by Rickettsia rickettsii, a species of bacteria that is spread to humans by ixodid hard ticks.
Dust Mites in the Home
Dust mites are tiny bugs that live in your house. They measure about 1/100th of an inch in length, smaller than the period at the end of this sentence..
House Dust Mites
One of the most strongly allergenic materials found indoors is house dust, often heavily contaminated with the fecal pellets and cast skins of House Dust Mites.