The World of Puppets
Use the World Wide Web to visit different countries and find out what the puppets are like in each one. Then you will make a puppet and write a play for that puppet. The Puppetry Home Page - Using Puppetry
The Puppetry Home Page is dedicated to international puppetry and lists puppetry information and resources. Puppets Around the World
This collection, given to the Canadian Museum of Civilization in 1994, highlights the development of puppetry in Ontario, but also includes puppets from a range of cultures... The World of Puppets
We're going to use the World Wide Web to visit different countries and find out what the puppets are like in each one.... The Puppetry Home Page
The Puppetry Home Page is dedicated to international puppetry and lists puppetry information and resources. Puppetools: The Internet Puppet Utility
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