Bugscope: Bugscope
A GREAT online project. Pick a bug, send it in and look at it through an electronic microscope that students remotely control.
bugscope.beckman.uiuc.edu/ Sea Turtle Science Expedition
A science expedition on saving the sea turtles.
teacher.scholastic.com/activities/explorer/... Traveling Husky Puppies Project Announcement
Our traveling mascots, two husky puppies, are getting ready to meet new friends and learn about history throughout the United States and the world.
loudoun.k12.va.us/schools/dominiontrail... ePals Classroom Exchange
Meet and correspond with over 900,000 nternational K-12 students, schools, teachers, keypals and pen pals. Email projects are educational and FUN!
epals.com/ The JASON Project
science technology online projects
jasonproject.org/ sitesALIVE!
education electronic field trip learning teaching interactive learning homeschool homeschooling language arts social studies geography math science sailing oceans rainforests coral reefs oceanology biology research K-9 Elementary School Middle School travel adventure Class Afloat Rainforest Live Oceans Live Sites Alive sitesALIVE! Ocean Challenge Great American II Great American parents kids home home computer K-12 families technology education technology in education family activities
sitesalive.com/ World Surfari
supersurf.com The Albatross Project
Kids from all over are joining with scientists to track and learn about ocean-going albatrosses in Hawaii !!!
wfu.edu/biology/albatross/ ThinkQuest
advanced.org/thinkquest/ Mysteries of Çatalhöyük
Mysteries of Çatalhoyuk explores the multitude of questions surrounding the findings at this archaeological dig in Turkey.
smm.org/catal/ My History is America's History
It is a place where every American can be an historian-a place to remember, to record, and to see things in the "big picture." It is a gathering place for sharing family stories; for meeting folks in the community who are prepared to share or help with your voyage of historical discovery...
myhistory.org/ World War I WebQuest
The WWI WebQuest is designed to help you answer the essential question "What is it like to be in a conflict". You will use primary sources to explore the experience of different participant's roles in World War I.
sonic.net/bantam1/wqww1.html Virtual Antarctica
An online virtual tour of Antartica.
terraquest.com/va/index.html E-Mail Pal Projects
Classroom e-mail projects
kidlink.org ThinkQuest, ThinkQuest Junior, Tomorrow's Teachers - design education Web sites
ThinkQuest is an online program that challenges students, educators at all levels to develop educational Web sites for curriculum and staff development
advanced.org/tq-junior/finalists.html Journey North 1999
The journeys of a dozen migratory species are tracked each spring. Students share their own field observations with classrooms across the Hemisphere.