The Great Depression
Pictures and information about the Great Depression.. Stories from the Great Depression
The National Archives Southeast Region presents stories from survivors of the Great Depression overlaid with powerful pictures from era
The Crash of 1929 & The Great Depression
Video about the stock market crash and the great depression. It was a time when the stock market epitomized the false promise of permanent prosperity.
Causes of the Great Depression
The Great Depression was a world wide economic downturn beginning in the late 1920's.. Stock market crash
A stock market crash is a sudden dramatic loss of value of shares of stock in corporations... Great Depression
The Great Depression was a massive global economic recession America’s Great Depression
An overview of America’s Great Depression along with a timeline, links, books and other information.. Always Lend a Helping Hand
24 oral history interviews, photographs and essays.. The Great Depression - American Memory Collection
In the early years, the project emphasized rural life and the negative impact of the Great Depression, farm mechanization, and the Dust Bowl.. New Deal Photo Gallery
Over 5000 Great Depression era images from the National Archives, the FDR Library... Songs of the Great Depression By the People, For the People: Posters from the WPA, 1936-1943
The Library of Congress WPA Poster collection, produced from 1936 to 1943 as part of Franklin Delano Roosevelt's New Deal, was designed to publicized health and safety programs; cultural programs; travel and tourism; educational programs; and community activities in seventeen states and the District of Columbia. The Magpie Sings the Great Depression
During the 1930s, students from the Bronx's DeWitt Clinton High School documented their life and times. This feature includes 193 poems, articles, and short stories and 295 graphic.. The Great Depression of Canada Homepage
Many Canadians of the thirties felt that the depression wasn't brought about by the Wall Street Stock Market Crash, but by the enormous 1928 wheat crop crash The Main Causes of the Great Depression
Interpretations on the causes for the great depression of the 1930's.