Vietnam War Crimes Tribunal
Full text of book on the Russell War Crimes Tribunal on Vietnam,US, Japanese, Korean, and Australian complicity. Web Genocide Documentation Centre
Internet resources on genocide and mass killing. Genocide Resources: Links, main index Jean-Paul Sartre 'On Genocide'
Address by Jean-Paul Sartre English translation to Russell War Crimes Tribunal Hungarian Ethnic Cleansing Magyarization
Little known cultural genocide of non-Hungarian peoples by the Austro-Hungarian Magyars from 1848-1914 The German Army and Genocide
Site to accompany exhibition at Cooper Union's Houghton Gallery, New York City, December 1999 - February 2000. The defeated Germans began to construct a myth that became a central tenet of postwar West German society. That myth promoted the idea that the regular army had fought a 'normal' war and was innocent of the genocide and mass murders carried out by the SS and the Gestapo.