The yo-yo is a toy consisting of two equally-sized discs of plastic, wood, or metal, connected with an axle, around which a string is wound..
academickids.com/encyclopedia/index.php... Rethink yoyo
Goal for this site is to make a large stock of yoyo tutorials that are easy to follow and learn from. Includes many videos
rethinkyoyo.com/ Learn Yo Yo Tricks
A great selection of you tricks. Learn how to use a yo yo. Learn yo yo tricks and skills for beginners, intermediate to advanced users.
yoyoexpert.com/learn/ World Yo-Yo Contest
Contest in Orlando, Florida where for over 22 years the best come to compete from around the world and claim the title of "World YoYo Champion".
worldyoyocontest.com/ Ken's World on a String: A Yo-Yo Page Illustrations, Tricks, Videos, Links, Tip
Ken's World on a String. This page is dedicated to sport of Yo-Yo yo-yo,yoyo top. Contains VIVO videos, illustrated yo-yo tricks, off-string yo-yo tricks, yo-yo reviews, tips, FAQ, and yo-yo links.
kwos.ca/yoyo-tricks.htm Duncan Yo Yo
Links to Genuine Duncan Yo-Yos, Spin Tops, Tetra Tops, Duncan Webstore, Teacher Information, History,