Serpent (instrument) - Academic Kids
A serpent is a bass wind instrument with a mouthpiece like a brass instrument but side holes like a woodwind instrument. Didgeridoo - Academic Kids
The didgeridoo (or didjeridu) is a unique wind instrument of the Australian Aborigines of northern Australia. Wagner tuba - Academic Kids
The Wagner tuba is an uncommon brass instrument that resembles both the French horn and the tuba Bugle - Academic Kids
The bugle is one of the simplest brass instruments; it is essentially a small natural horn with no valves Cornet - Academic Kids
The cornet is a brass instrument that closely resembles the trumpet Trumpet - Academic Kids
The trumpet is the highest brass instrument in register, above the tuba, euphonium, trombone, sousaphone, and french horn. Sousaphone - Academic Kids
The sousaphone is a musical instrument that is a substitute for the tuba when used in a marching band. It is named after John Philip Sousa, the famous march composer and conductor Euphonium - Academic Kids
The euphonium is a valved brass instrument, the tenor member of the tuba family French horn - Academic Kids
The horn is a brass instrument that consists of tubing wrapped into a coiled form. The instrument was first developed in France in about 1650 Conch - Academic Kids
The genus Strombus is made up of the true conches (pronounced "Konk") in the family Strombidae Flugelhorn - Academic Kids
The flugelhorn (also spelled fluegelhorn or fl?rn) is a brass instrument resembling a cornet but with a wider, conical bore. Trombone - Academic Kids
The trombone is a musical instrument in the brass family. It is pitched lower than the trumpet, and higher than the tuba. Shofar - Academic Kids
A shofar is a ram's horn that is used as a musical instrument for religious purposes. It is used on Judaism's high holy days of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Tuba - Academic Kids
The tuba is the largest of the low-brass instruments and is one of the most recent additions to the modern symphony orchestra, first appearing in the mid-19th century, when it largely replaced the ophicleide Bazooka (instrument) - Academic Kids
The bazooka is a folk musical instrument, a primitive version of a trombone, usually with a lower but less wide range Mellophone - Academic Kids
The mellophone is a brass instrument that is typically used in place of the French horn in marching bands