Provides an introduction to the first decade of motion pictures and the developments which helped shape cinema as we know it today.
earlycinema.com/ History of Television
Timeline of the History of Film & Television
high-techproductions.com/historyoftelev... History of Film
History of Film by decade
filmsite.org/filmh.html Stars of the Silent Movies
Links to web sites about the stars of the silent movies, such as Buster Keaton, Charlie Chaplin, June Marlowe and more..
cs.monash.edu.au/~pringle/silent/people... Film Making
Internet Resource for young film makers.
exposure.co.uk/exposure.html Musical Films
Great MGM Musicals Page andMusical and Dance Films
stjames.k12.mo.us/stjhome/course/film/music... Cyber Film School Filmmaking Website
Cyber Film School, filmmaking moviemaking Web site with instruction, tips, advice, techniques on how to make, produce, direct, shoot, light and edit TV, films, movies and videos
cyberfilmschool.com/ Alfred Hitchcock Exhibition
Alfred Hitchcock Hitchcock's career by decades, from the 1920s to the 1970s. All of Hitchcock's feature films with links to selected film stills
moma.org/filmvideo/hitchcock/overview.h... Encyclopedia Smithsonian: Film and Television
Links to film and television sites.
si.edu/resource/faq/nmah/film.htm MovieMaker Magazine: Your Close-Up on the Movies
Your Close-Up on the Movies! Excellent stories on the personalities that shape film with special emphasis on independent filmmakers. Huge resource site with links to nationwide film festivals.
moviemaker.com/ Chicago International Children's Film Festival
The biggest children's film festival in North America
cicff.org Greatest Films of the 1920s
A year by year list of great movies from the 1920's Hollywood filmaking. You will find academy award winners
filmsite.org/20sintro.html Movies as Propaganda During Times of War
War and Anti-War Films,World War II, Film, and History
stjames.k12.mo.us/stjhome/course/film/warfi... Early Motion Pictures Home Page
The Early Motion Pictures, 1897-1920, collection contains five groupings from the earliest period of the medium: McKinley and the Pan-American Exposition, New York City, San Francisco Before and After the Great Earthquake and Fire, The Westinghouse Works and The Spanish American War.
lcweb2.loc.gov/ammem/browse/ListSome.php?fo... Greatest Films Introduction
The 100 Selected Greatest Films are landmark movies in the history of film and serve as signposts to map the milestones of our cinematic past. These are 100 films that have left an indelible mark on our century's culture and have been part of our lives for nearly a century.