Animation World Network, the Hub of Animation on the Internet Visual Magic Magazine How to create gif animations
This tutorial shows how to create simple gif animations using Inkscape and Gimp, two very nice and free open source programs. Clay Animation : How to Page
The Clay Animation and Stop Motion Animation How To Page: Interactive Tutorials, Instructions, Lessons and Examples on Clay Animation and Stop Motion Animation. The most in depth information on the clay animation and stop motion animation process. This website is designed with interactive tutorials on how to create, animate and edit clay animation and stop motion animation projects.
Student Corner Resource Listings
Gif Animation, How to make them.
The Clay Animation How to page: Clay animation tutorials, Lessons, Research and
If your looking for how to information about clay animation then check out the pictures, photos, and research lessons on this information packed site!
Stop Motion Works
Information and how-to technical tips on animated puppetry. Dedicated web site for beginners, students, hobbyists and professionals practicing the unique art and craft of stop motion animation (also known as puppet animation).
Origins of American Animation, 1900-1921
The development of early American animation is represented by this collection of 21 animated films and 2 fragments, which spans the years 1900 to 1921. The films include clay, puppet, and cut-out animation, as well as pen drawings.
Free online tutorial teaches you step by step to draw and animate