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the Turtle
Turtles are found almost in every corners of the planet. Turtles are the only reptiles that have no teeth and a shell. There are different varieties of Turtles. They are supposed to be the longest-living animals whose life can go up to 150 years. Their eating habit differs greatly. Typically they eat aquatic plants, snails, insects and worms. They are cold blooded and they find it better to live in the hot regions. They can live on water as well as in water.
Turtle Activities and Printables
- Turtle Slider Puzzle
- Turtle Coloring Page
- Turtle Jigsaw Puzzle
- Turtle Coloring 2
- Turtle Anatomy Color Printout
- Turtle Anatomy Outline Printout
- Turtle Fact Sheet
- Turtle Fact Sheet #2
- Turtle Wordsearch Printable
- Turtle Online Wordsearch
Turtle videos
Group of Alligators in water
Mother and Baby Elephant in Africa
Playful Baboon Family
animal pictures
Alligator Jumping out of the water
Alligator walking on land
Alligator Swimming in marsh
Turtle internet resources
Box Turtle Observation ProjectGeneral behavior observations, pictures, advice on NOT keeping them as pets.
Eastern Box Turtle Care
The Box Turtle Observation Project.
Loggerhead Sea Turtle
Information page put on by the Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary.
ASUPMATOMA - Sea Turtle Protection Cabo San Lucas
Focuses on the preservation efforts for endangered sea turtles along the southern tip of Baja, Mexico. Group sponsors eco-tours, operates and turtle nursery, and is developing a tracking and monitoring system.
David Kirkpatrick's Articles
Extensive list of David Kilpatrick's published articles covering Turtles.
http: //unc.edu/~dtkirkpa/stuff/biblio.html
Chinese Box Turtle, Cistoclemmys flavomarginata by Michael J. Connor and Vickie
An extensive review of the care, maintenance and breeding of the Chinese, asian, or yellow margined box turtle.
Sea Turtle Hospital
A Sea Turtle Sanctuary
NSiS: Florida Wildlife - Sea Turtles
Nordevald Software sponsored site. Information on all of the different species of Sea Turtles.
Box Turtle Care & Conservation
This website contains the natural history and captive care of North American box turtles.
Sea Turtle Activity and Coloring Book
Coloring pages, Facts, Activities of Sea Turtles
Sea Turtle Inc. - South Padre Island, Texas: meet the turtles
The Homepage for Sea Turtle, Inc. and Ila Loetcher, The Turtle Lady of South Padre Island, Texas.
Russian Tortoise/BTT
Practical Care & Breeding Of The Horsfield's Or Russian Tortoise In Captivity.
Turtle Trax - A Sea Turtle Page
Turtle Trax is dedicated to the wonder and beauty of sea turtles, showing people why sea turtles are threatened throughout the world. This is an excellent Canadian site with info on fibropapilloma and the Hawaiian green sea turtle population. Includes Kidz Corner, How You Can Help, photos of marine turtles in their natural habitat, and the Turtle Trax Toon.
Pancake Tortoise's
An Overview of the Natural History of the Pancake Tortoise.
Diamondback Terrapins
The diamondback terrapin Malaclemys terrapin. Information on the care,diseases, and more�
Melissa Kaplan's Herp Care Information Collection
A source for current information on reptile care, articles related to their health and environment, and resources for additional herpetological and herpetocultural information. Information and resources for educators. Also includes information about CFI
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