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the Turtle
Turtles are found almost in every corners of the planet. Turtles are the only reptiles that have no teeth and a shell. There are different varieties of Turtles. They are supposed to be the longest-living animals whose life can go up to 150 years. Their eating habit differs greatly. Typically they eat aquatic plants, snails, insects and worms. They are cold blooded and they find it better to live in the hot regions. They can live on water as well as in water.
Turtle Activities and Printables
- Turtle Slider Puzzle
- Turtle Coloring Page
- Turtle Jigsaw Puzzle
- Turtle Coloring 2
- Turtle Anatomy Color Printout
- Turtle Anatomy Outline Printout
- Turtle Fact Sheet
- Turtle Fact Sheet #2
- Turtle Wordsearch Printable
- Turtle Online Wordsearch
Turtle videos
Group of Alligators in water
Elephants in Africa
Mother and Baby Elephant in Africa
Playful Baboon Family
animal pictures
Turtle internet resources
Mississippi Mud Turtle
Video of a Mississippi mud turtle
Box Turtle

Video of box turtles in the wild
Green Sea Turtle
Green Sea Turtle Description, Life History and Facts
Spiny Softshells
This softshell species has small bumps or spines on the front of the upper shell and a small ridge on each side of the snout. Shell color varies with age and sex
The Turtle Pages - Painted Turtle
40 or so species of turtles that are native to the United States and Canada are represented. Physical descriptions and wild habits are given for the species.
A Mediterranaen Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation Web Site for Science and Education. There are overviews of all sea turtle species, sections on the threats to turtles in the Mediterranean, identification keys and even an adventure game
Turtle World
This site serves as a reference point for those interested in the care of Red Ear Sliders, includes pictures.
FAQ - Turtle/Tortoise
Turtle and Tortoise Frequently asked Questions
Eglin AFB Fact Sheets: Sea Turtles in the Gulf
Ecosystem facts and how the Air Force is protecting Sea Turtles who live in the seas near Elgin Air Force Base.
Sea Turtles For Kids
Sea turtles have roamed Earth's oceans and seas for millions of years! The first sea turtles were on Earth 150 millions years ago, and the ancestors of the turtles in marine waters today entered the ocean 60 millions years ago
Sacramento Turtle and Tortoise Club
Care sheets on different species, incubation of eggs, pictures and more....
Diamondback Terrapin
An in-depth look at this turtles and its amazing recovery from near extinction.
Amphibian & Reptile Atlas - Turtles of New York
Maps showing current distribution of species.
World Wide Fund for Nature - Snapping Turtle
Learn about the three species of snapping turltes that live in the U.S.
The Pawikan Files-Babilonia Wilner Foundation
These pages are dedicated to the sea turtles rescued by BWF. Group helps rescue turtles, and operates a turtle tagging operation.
Turtle Island
Traditional Ojibway legend of how the Turtle sacrified his life so that the earth could begin anew.
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