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the Snake
Snakes are closely related to lizards, which share the order Squamata. All snakes are carnivorous, eating small animals, birds or insects. Snakes do not chew their food. Snakes have very flexible lower jaws, the two halves of which are not rigidly attached, allowing them to open their mouths wide enough to swallow their prey whole, even if it is larger in diameter than the snake itself. Contrary to the popular myth, at no point do they "unhinge" their jaws (disarticulate their mandibular joints). After eating, snakes become torpid while the process of digestion takes place. The skin is covered in scales. Most snakes use specialized belly scales to move, gripping surfaces. Their eyelids are permanently closed but transparent "spectacle" scales. They shed their skin periodically. Although they may be venomous , snakes do not not prey on humans. Most snakes will attack a human being only if startled or injured. Some well known snake species are: American Copperhead, King Cobra, Australian copperheads, Rat Snake, Milk Snake, king snakes
Snake Activities and Printables
- Snake Slider Puzzle
- Snake Coloring Page
- Snake Jigsaw Puzzle
- Snake Coloring 2
- Snake Anatomy Color Printout
- Snake Anatomy Outline Printout
- Snake Fact Sheet
- Snake Wordsearch Printable
- Snake Online Wordsearch
Snake videos
Group of Alligators in water
Elephants in Africa
Mother and Baby Elephant in Africa
Playful Baboon Family
animal pictures
Snake internet resources
Sunbeam SnakesCaptive Care Requirements
Herpetological Home Page
Documents written on the proper husbandry, breeding techniques and general information on a wide variety snakes. Here you will find pictures of many different types of reptiles and amphibians.
Ringneck Snake
Provides general information on the Ringneck Snake.
Reptile House
The Reptile House of the Los Angeles Zoo.
Ubiquetous Corn Snake, The
Information on the Corn Snake.
Snakebite Emergency First-Aid Information
This site provides information on snake bites.
Captive Breeding of Colubrid Snakes, The
The Captive Breeding of Colubrid Snakes, includes brief history, annual cycles, breeding techniques, preparation, and raising of hatchlings.
Pituophis Page, The
The Pituophis Page, a content site devoted to the great Pine Snakes, Gopher Snakes, and Bull Snakes of North America.
Photographs of Snakes, Animals-Herpetiles
This page contains samples from our picture files on Snakes