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the zebra

Zebras are mainly found in Africa. There are three species of Zebra and they are very social in nature and their group is called as herd. Zebras are herbivorous animals who like eating grasses, leaves, buds and they travel distances in search of food..
They are very unique in their appearance with black stripes on white. They have long and slender legs with one toe in each foot. One can see Zebras inhibiting open grasslands and plains. They can live up to 30 years.
zebra Activities and printables
- Zebra Slider Puzzle
- Zebra Coloring
- Zebra Jigsaw
- Zebra Coloring 2
- Zebra Anatomy Color
- Zebra Anatomy Outline
- Zebra Fact Sheet
- Zebra Wordsearch Printable
- Zebra Online Wordsearch
zebra videos
Zebra Pictures
Zebra internet resources
Pictures of Zebras
A good selection of Zebra pictures and photographs
Zebra Info
An encyclopedia article about Zebras
Grevy's zebra
Grevy's zebra Fun Facts, Fact Sheet, Conservation Status and Description from the National Zoo.
Zebras, horses and wild asses are all equids, long-lived animals that move quickly for their large size and have teeth built for grinding and cropping grass. Zebras have horselike bodies
The Different Species of Zebras
Zebras can be classified into three species and several subspecies
Zebra Quick Facts
Zebras are equids, members of the horse family. They have excellent hearing and eyesight and can run at speeds of up to 35 miles
Zebras of Kenya
The endangered Grevy's zebra is in trouble everywhere except for the Lewa Wildlife Conservancy..
Pictures of Zebras.
Zebras of South Africa
Pictures of Zebras.
Clipart - Zebra
A selection of zebra clipart