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the Mongoose
Mongoose are small rodent-like animals that appear similar to Meerkat. Mongooses have long tail and docile. They are mostly found in the continents of Africa, Asia and Europe. They are omnivorous animal that like eating eggs, rats, and insects.Their main habitat is open forests and grass plains where they find the apt condition to survive. Their life span goes up to 15 years. They like to live in gang which gives them security and other things. They dig burrows to live.
Mongoose Activities and printables
animal videos
Group of Alligators in water
Elephants in Africa
Mother and Baby Elephant in Africa
Playful Baboon Family
animal pictures
Mongoose internet resources
Banded Mongoose Pups
Mongoose Clipart - Illustrations and Pictures
Mongoose clipart illustrations and pictures to download
Mongoose Video
Mongoose video clipart
Banded mongoose videos, photos and facts - ARKive
The banded mongoose (Mungos mungo) is a long, slender carnivore that is widespread throughout much of southern Africa
Banded mongoose
Banded mongoose Fun Facts, Fact Sheet, Conservation Status and Description from the National Zoo.
Dwarf mongoose
Dwarf mongoose Fun Facts, Fact Sheet, Conservation Status and Description from the National Zoo.