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the Hedgehog
A hedgehog is a small quilled mammals of the order Insectivora. Hedgehogs are easily distinguished by their quills. A hedgehog's primary defense is to roll into a tight ball, causing all of the quills to protrude outward. They also make loud huffing and popping noises. Hedgehogs are primarily nocturnal and feed on snails, worms, and insects. Hedgehogs are popular as pets.
animal videos
Hedgehog Pets
Video about Hedgehogs as Pets
Hedghog Facts
Hedgehog Facts Video
Hedgehog Video
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hedgehog internet resources
Hedgehog Photo Gallery
Many different hedgehog photos
European Hedgehog Page
Here are a few safeguards to consider for those lucky enough to have wild hedgehogs visiting in their backyards..
Hedgehogs are small, prickly mammals found primarily in European countries..
Madagascar hedgehog tenrec
Madagascar hedgehog tenrec Fun Facts, Fact Sheet, Conservation Status and Description from the National Zoo.
Hedgehog Central
A source for just about anything you could ever want to know about pet hedgehogs
Basics of African Hedgehogs
Learn more about owning and caring for African Hedgehogs.
Hedgehog World
Hedgehog news, facts, breeders and more..
Hedgehog Printout
The hedgehog is a small, noisy mammal whose hair is modified into stiff, spiky spines..