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bee facts
Bees are found at most of the places on planet. They are flying insects that are close to ants and wasps. There are almost 20000 species of bees. They have long tongue which makes them to get nectar of flowers. Bees have two pairs of wings with antennae.
Bees are solitary insects and a female bee forms a nest to live. Honeybees are well-known to make sweet honey and wax which are used in a vast way by humans. They are also well-known for the pollination in the plants.
bee Activities and printables
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animal pictures
Bee internet resources
Pictures of Bees
A good selection of bee pictures,clipart and photographs..
Article on Bees
Read and learn about Bees
Bees belong to the third largest insect order which also includes wasps and ants...
Sue Bee Honey - Encyclobeedia
This site features information on the anatomy and biology of bees, as well as life of a bee, honey and more..
BeeSource.com ... Online Sourcebook for Beekeeping
Entomology - Africanized Bees in California
History and impact, of so-called 'killer bees' in California. Bee Sting research. Africanized bee research at University of California Riverside
NOVA Online - Tales from the Hive
NOVA Online presents Tales from the Hive..
Honey Bee Facts
Honey bee history, facts and more...