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the ant
Ants are found around the world with some exception to the Polar Regions. There are almost 14000 estimated species of ants around the world. They are found in different colors and sizes. Some ants have wings which helps them to fly. They are very social insects and they like to live in colonies.
Ants are omnivorous animals who like to feed on leaves, insects, fungi and other plants and animals matters. The average life span of ants could go up to 3 months. They are known to lift the weights which are more than their own.
ant Activities and printables
ant videos
Ant Video
Ants in the Rainforest
Rainforest Video
Ants in Costa Rica
Ant Information video
All About Ants Video
ant pictures
Ant internet resources
Pictures of Ants
Ant pictures, photographs and clipart.
All you wanted to know about ants. Great pictures and information about ants.
Article about Ants
Encyclopedia article about ants.
Ant Anatomy
Learn the parts of an ant. Test yourself with the worksheet
Ant Information
Information and helpful facts about Ants
Acrobat Ant
Several species of small to medium-sized ants are occasional pests in and around the home..
Ant Cam
Ant Cam. Leafcutter Ants forage for leaves away from their nests-- finding their way home by producing and laying down pheromone trails.