Kodak: The Endurance
See original photographs by Frank Hurley chronicle the ill-fated expedition to Antarctica led by Shackleton.
kodak.com/US/en/corp/features/endurance... Ernest Shackleton
Sir Ernest Henry Shackleton was an Irish-born British explorer, now chiefly remembered for his Antarctic expedition of 1914–1916 in the ship Endurance..
academickids.com/encyclopedia/index.php/Sir... South Aris Expedition
describes the attempt of a group of Irish sailors and mountaineers to retrace the footsteps of the epic journey made by Ernest Shackleton in 1915.
jamescairdsociety.com/irish.php Sir Ernest Shackleton
Facts you'll want to know about Sir Ernest.
factmonster.com/ce6/people/A0844635.htm... Ernest Shackleton
Ernest Shackleton led his first expedition to Antarctica on the Nimrod. One of the objectives of the journey was to reach the South Pole
coolantarctica.com/Antarctica%20fact%20... Ernest Henry Shackleton
Ernest Henry Shackleton and his crew sailed out of the small Norwegian whaling village of Grytvikan, on December 5, 1914. The trip was certain to bring Shackleton fame and fortune as the first person to traverse the Antarctic continent
myhero.com/go/hero.asp?hero=Shackelton Sir Ernest Shackleton 1874-1922
This site is created by the descendents of Shackleton
indigo.ie/~jshack/ernest.html Endurance, The
An exhibition documenting Sir Ernest Shackleton's 1914 voyage to the Antarctic.
amnh.org/exhibitions/past-exhibitions/s... Antarctic Explorers: Ernest Shackleton
A brief biography, pictures, and summaries of his expeditions.
south-pole.com/p0000097.htm Shackleton's Antarctic Odyssey
You can follow along on a current adventure to Antarctica, or explore Shackleton's 1914 journey.
pbs.org/nova/shackleton/ Sir Ernest Shackleton Exhibit
Already a celebrated polar explorer, Sir Ernest Shackleton coordinated the British Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition with the goal of accomplishing the first crossing of the Antarctic continent
main.wgbh.org/imax/shackleton/sirernest.htm... Shackleton Returns to Europe