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Marketing Teacher Homepage - Marketing Education Resources for Learners and Teac
Free lessons for marketing learners and teachers, including Boston Matrix, Ansoff's Matrix, Marketing Plans, PEST Analysis, SWOT analysis, and marketing research. Free marketing education and lessons.
Score: 41 marketingteacher.com/
FEMA for KIDS Homepage: Education, Schools, Disasters, Games, Teachers, Art, Hur
This site teaches you how to be prepared for disasters and how you can prevent disasters by taking action now.
Score: 40 fema.gov/kids/index.htm
ENERGY QUEST Energy Education
Information about the various types of energy. Great Site!
Score: 40 energy.ca.gov/education/
Exploration In Education
Electronic Picture books that you can download.
Score: 40 stsci.edu/exined/exined-home.html
ISTE: International Society for Technology in Education
National Technology Standards and more..
Score: 40 iste.org/
ozline.com - WebQuests & more
Turn to ozline's Articles & Writings menu to stay up on the latest thinking about WebQuests and Working the Web for Education...
Score: 31 ozline.com/learning/index.htm
School Psychology Resources Online - Sandra Steingart,Ph.D.
School psychology resources for school psychogists, parents and educators. Research learning disabilities, ADHD, autism, behavior problems, psychological assessment, functional behavioral assessment, special education, mental retardation, mental health, and more.
Score: 31 bcpl.lib.md.us/~sandyste/school_psych.h...
K-12 Resources For Music Educators
Valuable resources for music educators and students of all areas and educational levels
Score: 31 isd77.k12.mn.us/music/k-12music/
Web Quest Collections
A collection of webquests.
Score: 30 edweb.sdsu.edu/webquest/webquest_collection...
Home School Central
All the resources necessary to be a successful homeschooler. Regional information, curriculum suppliers, study resources, etc.
Score: 30 homeschoolcentral.com/
Need a rubric? Check out the pages from the Staff Room for Ontario's Teachers for sample rubrics to help you create your own.
Score: 30 odyssey.on.ca/~elaine.coxon/rubrics.htm...
Annie's Rhyme Time
Riddles and rhymes online.
Score: 30 teacher.scholastic.com/annie/index.asp
Dave's ESL Cafe
The Internet's Top Site for ESL/EFL Students and Teachers from Around the World.
Score: 30 eslcafe.com/
Sanford & A Lifetime of Color: Study Art
A glossary of art terms, study art, create art and play games.
Score: 30 sanford-artedventures.com/index.html
RubiStar Home
RubiStar is a tool to help the teacher who wants to use rubrics, but does not have the time to develop them from scratch.
Score: 30 rubistar.4teachers.org/
The Starting Point on the Deaf Internet
The Starting Point on the Deaf Internet . Information and, sign language dictionary, links and more...
Score: 30 deafworldweb.org/dww/