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Cold War - Hot Links
These links are to web pages which other people have created and, like most things on the net, they run the entire spectrum of political thought and vary greatly in quality. Nonetheless, they do provide web-surfers with some interesting views and information about the Cold War and the National Security State.

The Cold War
An online essay discussing how the Cold War impacted U.S. and Soviet domestic and foreign policy, technology, the arms race, and reflections on the impact of the Cold War and American and Russian national identity . Includes links to related websites.

Cold War Spies and Espionage
A chronology of Cold War spycraft and espionage from 1943 to 1954. Coverage includes crises from the first decade of the Cold War such as Soviet atomic spying, Berlin Crisis, and the rise and fall of McCarthyism.

Belaura's Cold War Page
An history of the Cold War with information and slide show of the major players and the principal arenas of the Cold War. Includes a chronology of major events and interviews with people who lived through the events.

The Cold War
A directory guide to Cold War topics such as Cuba, spying, McCarthyism, the arms race, the space race, the Berlin Wall, and the military and non-military confrontations of the superpowers.

U-2 Documents
In May 1960, an American U-2 spy plane was shot down over the Soviet Union and its pilot captured. This site provides American and Soviet telegrams, memorandums, and other documents related to the U-2 Incident. Includes background notes.

The Diefenbunker - Canada's Cold War Museum
The Diefenbunker was built in 1959-61 to house Canadian leaders during a nuclear attack but now serves as Canada's Cold War Museum. Includes Diefenbunker history, facts, virtual tour, and trivia.

Internet Modern History Sourcebook: A Bipolar World
A discussion of the bipolarization of global politics caused by the Cold War. Provides links to documents on the origins of the Cold War, the Berlin Crises, the Cuban Crises, periods of East-West detente, and information on Cold War leaders.

The Cold War and the Social Sciences: An Annotated Bibliography
A bibliography of websites and print sources on the impact of the Cold War on anthropology, history, economics, and other social sciences.

At Cold War's End: US Intelligence on the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, 1989-
A CIA document including links to full-text intelligence reports on events during the final years the Soviet Union and the Cold War. Includes a brief historical overview and extensive references.

U.S. News Online: Cold War Archive
An archive of Cold War articles and resources on topics such as nuclear research, anti-communist hysteria, and intelligence operations. Includes links to a timeline, a quiz, declassified documents, and a gallery of Cold War-related covers from past issues of U.S. News & World Report.

The National Security Archive at George Washington University
National Security Archive contains various links to Cold War publications, online exhibits, and documents.

Cold War Bibliography
Bibliographies on Cold War topics such as the institutions, economic impact, international aspects, and cultural effects of the Cold War. Includes information on films and recent books on the Cold War.

Nuclear Files
Explore the Nuclear Age, and its political and ethical dilemmas.

Victims of Undeclared War
The story of a Soviet airliner shot down by American fighters in 1953 over China.

Cold War Museum
Virtual museum of Cold War events from 1945 to 1990. Exhibits on Berlin airlift, first Soviet A-bomb, Bay of Pigs, Cuban Missile Crisis, space and arms races, Korean and Vietnam wars, fall of the Berlin Wall, and the collapse of Communism.
