David Livingstone Printable and Fact Sheet
David Livingstone Printable and Fact Sheet
cybersleuth-kids.com/explorers/explorers48.... David Livingstone Printable and Coloring Sheet
David Livingstone Printable and Coloring Sheet
cybersleuth-kids.com/explorers/explorers49.... David Livingstone
David Livingstone was a Scottish missionary and explorer of the Victorian era, now best remembered because of his meeting with Henry Morton Stanley..
academickids.com/encyclopedia/index.php/Dav... Kid Facts for Livingstone
Kid Facts for Livingstone
factmonster.com/search?fr=fmtn&query=da... David Livingstone
Born in Blantyre in 1813, David Livingstone was the son of a shopkeeper. He started work at the age of 10 but nevertheless managed to educate..
rampantscotland.com/famous/blfamlivings... Scottish Explorer David Livingstone
scotlandvacations.com/livingstone.htm David Livingstone: Facts
Sam Wellman's heroes of history, writers, missionaries, evangelists, preachers, scientists, explorers, Livingstone, Nightingale, ten Boom, Billy Graham, C.S. Lewis, Wesley, Mother Teresa, Slessor, Aylward, Columbus, Carver, Bunyan, Jakes, Amy Carmichael
heroesofhistory.com/page55.html Dr David Livingstone
Born in Scotland, David Livingstone arrived in Africa in 1840 at the age of 27 as a missionary and physician. He spent most of the remainder of his life on the continent, his exploits making him the most famous explorer of the century
eyewitnesstohistory.com/livingstone.htm... The Great Ones - David Livingstone
David Livingstone (1813-1873) is often credited with "opening up" the interior of Africa, and rightfully so..